by admin · 2017/10/31
- 11/19 is Combined Thanksgiving Worship. Our theme is: “Won’t be shaken”. Program starts at 10 a.m. at Marina Middle School (3500 Fillmore St.). Flyers are available in the Church Office to invite friends.
- We will provide light breakfast from 8:45 – 9:30 a.m.
- Parking spaces are limited, please arrive early. We reserved 10 handicapped parking spaces for those in need.
- There are #30 buses access from SF-Chinatown to Marina Middle School.
- In order to know each other, we will have name tag for everyone.
- Please go directly to the reception desk when you arrived. We will have greeters and ushers to help you out.
- Newcomer – Please bring your friends to the reception area, our greeters will welcome and have gifts for them.
- Mandarin translation – The sermon will be preaching in Cantonese with English translation. We will have Mandarin translation system, please get the earphones from the reception area.
- We will have children program for kids from age 2 ½ – 5th grade during worship time. In order to better serve the children and make preparations, we would like a head count of how many children will participate. If you plan to bring your kids, please sign up in the Church Office. Today is the last day to sign up.
Tags: 2017combinedthanksgivingworship崇拜感恩節聯合