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Category: “Live Out Your Faith” Daily Devotion

“Live Out Your Faith” Daily Devotion

Friday 12/31/2010

Friday 12/31/2010

Passage: 2 Corinthians 12:7b-10 Reflection Questions: 1. What would a conceited person boast about? With the thorn in his flesh, what does Paul boast about? What did he learn from the thorn, the weaknesses, and God’s grace? 2. How have you been made strong in your weaknesses? What is God’s sufficient grace to you?

Thursday 12/30/2010

Thursday 12/30/2010

Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 Reflection Questions: 1. What is the relationship between God’s ability to comfort us and our ability to comfort others? Why does God involve us in the comforting of others? What does that do to the relationship between us? 2. What images and events does verse 9 calls to mind? What were our “death sentences”? How did God raise us who were “the dead”?

Wednesday 12/29/2010

Wednesday 12/29/2010

Passage: Hebrews 3:7-15 Reflection Questions: 1. Why was God so angry at the ancestors in the wilderness? What did they do in those 40 years? What does that show about their hearts? 2. In both the negative example of the rebellion ancestors and the urge in verses 12-14, the subject is the corporate. In what ways are we responsible for each other according to verses 12-13?

Tuesday 12/28/2010

Tuesday 12/28/2010

Passage: Matthew 12:38-50 Reflection Questions: 1. What were the Pharisees and teachers of the law in effect saying by asking for a sign? What is the sign of Jonah? How is Jesus greater than Jonah? 2. By brother and sister and mother, Jesus is talking about spiritual relationships. What is common between Jesus and those who does the will of the Father in heaven?

Monday 12/27/2010

Monday 12/27/2010

Passage: Matthew 25:14-28 Reflection Questions: 1. What does the fact that the master entrusted his wealth to the servants show about the master’s attitude toward the servants? How do the three servants respond to the master’s trust in them? 2. What do you imagine would happen as the servants went and shared their master’s happiness?

Sunday 12/26/2010

Sunday 12/26/2010

Passage: John 15:1-8 Reflection Questions: 1. Agriculturally speaking, what is the sole purpose of the branches? Where do branches get their nutrients and life from? What does the fruit on a branch demonstrate about the branch? 2. As branches on Jesus’ vine, what is the purpose for the believers to bear much fruit: Self-enrichment? Duty? To bring glory and praise to God?

Saturday 12/25/2010

Saturday 12/25/2010

Passage: Luke 2:1-7 Reflection Questions: 1. Though Caesar Augustus was not aware of God’s plan and certainly was not aiming to fulfill the prophecies about the Messiah, his decree lead Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem. What does this story say about God’s control over events? About the truthfulness of God’s words? 2. What does the fact that the Messiah King, the God of the universe, chose to start his incarnated life in a manger tell about this Messiah King? What is important to Jesus? How does he view his mission on earth?

Friday 12/24/2010

Friday 12/24/2010

Passage: Isaiah 40:1-8 Reflection Questions: 1. In Isaiah’s time the coming of a king was announced by a herald. People literally leveled the roads the king would travel. What king is in view in verses 3-5? What does it mean to prepare the way for him? 2. What is the point of the message in verses 6-8? What are the people like and what is God like? What is the conclusion in verse 8?

Thursday 12/23/2010

Thursday 12/23/2010

Passage: Psalm 115:1-18 Reflection Questions: 1. What trouble is written between the lines (vv.1-2)? Why do the pagans ask where Yahweh is? 2. Through the description of Yahweh God and the pagan idols, the author points out that God is in heaven (cannot be seen with the physical eyes), but idols can be seen and have mouths, eyes, ears, hands, feet, and throats. How do the two compare in terms of power and effect? 3. In conclusion, what does the author urge the Israelites, the house of Aaron, and those who fear him to do?

Wednesday 12/22/2010

Wednesday 12/22/2010

Passage: Psalm 89:1-8 Reflection Questions: 1. How does the author define “love” in this psalm (vv.1-2)? What does he see as the demonstration of God’s love? How does this speak to you as Christmas is drawing near? 2. What is the recurring description of God in this passage (vv.6-8)? What does the description point out about God?