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Recording Archives

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2023/04/02 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Andy Chiu 路加福音二十四章 13〜35 (7課)
2023/03/26 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 路加福音二十二章 39〜48,54〜62 (13課)
2023/03/12 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 路加福音十八章 9〜14 (12課)
2023/03/05 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 路加福音十七章 11〜19 (11課)
2023/02/25 Cantonese Sunday School Moses/ Stella 路加福音十五章 11〜32 (9課)
2023/02/12 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 路加福音五章 29〜32; 十四章 12〜15 (8課)
2023/02/05 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 路加福音十章 25〜37 (5課)
2023/01/29 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 路加福音十章 1〜17 (4課)
2023/01/15 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 路加福音七章 36〜50 (3課)
2023/01/08 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 路加福音五章 1〜11, 27〜28 (2課)
2023/01/01 Daly City Combined Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 路加福音四章 16〜27 (1課)
2022/12/11 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Andy Chiu 政府
2022/12/04 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 教會領袖
2022/11/13 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 與仇敵的關係
2022/11/06 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 自己
2022/10/31 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 朋友
2022/10/23 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 鄰舍/群體
2022/10/09 Cantonese Sunday School Moses/ Stella 兒女
2022/10/02 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 配偶
2022/09/25 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 撒旦
2022/09/11 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu
2022/08/28 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 西番雅書 3
2022/08/14 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 西番雅書 1-2
2022/08/07 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 彌迦書 6-7
2022/07/31 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 彌迦書 3-5
2022/07/24 Cantonese Sunday School Moses/ Stella 彌迦書 1-2
2022/07/10 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 俄巴底亞書
2022/07/03 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 阿摩司書 7-9
2022/06/26 Daly City Combined Worship Tony Yeung 阿摩司書 5:18-6:14
2022/06/12 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Andy Chiu 阿摩司書 5:1-17
2022/06/05 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 阿摩司書 4
2022/05/29 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 阿摩司書 3
2022/05/22 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 阿摩司書 1-2
2022/04/17 Daly City Combined Worship Tony Yeung 瑪拉基書 2:17-4:6
2022/04/10 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 瑪拉基書 1:1-2:16
2022/04/03 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Andy Chiu 哈巴谷書 3
2022/03/27 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 哈巴谷書 2
2022/03/13 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 哈巴谷書 1
2022/03/06 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 那鴻書 1-3
2022/02/27 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 約拿書 3-4
2022/02/13 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Andy Chiu 約拿書 1-2
2022/02/06 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 約珥書 2:28-3:21
2022/01/30 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 約珥書 1:1-2:27
2022/01/16 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 何西阿書 11-14
2022/01/09 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 何西阿書 4-10
2022/01/02 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 何西阿書 1-3
2021/11/28 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 從未來想像決定當下 (太 7:13-29)
2021/11/14 Cantonese Sunday School Ken Che 修復在壓迫下的關係
2021/11/07 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 重新發現生命的本質
2021/10/31 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 抗逆生活的神聖核心
2021/10/24 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 天國式徹底殲敵方法
2021/10/10 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 拒絕謊言由守信開始 (馬太 5:31-37)
2021/10/03 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 自我轉向他者的革命 (太 5:21-30)
2021/09/26 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 壓迫中的持守與傳承 (太 5:17-20)
2021/09/12 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 願在黑暗中發出光芒 (太 5:13-16)
2021/09/05 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 活出不再顛倒的人生 (太 5:1-12)
2021/08/29 Cantonese Sunday School Ken Che 持久的愛 (林前 13:1-13)
2021/08/22 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 愛上帝家裏的人 (約 13:1-17)
2021/08/08 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 愛慕耶穌 (路加福音 7:36-50)
2021/08/01 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 節制慾望 (雅 4:1-10)
2021/07/25 Cantonese Sunday School Tony Yeung 節制肉體 (林前 6:12-20)
2021/07/11 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Michael Leung 控制舌頭 (雅 3:1-21)
2021/07/11 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 禱告的突破
2021/07/04 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 番來喇!
2021/07/03 Cantonese Sunday School Elder David Ng 溫柔與能力 (林後 10:1-11)
2021/06/27 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Michael Leung 溫柔就是力量
2021/06/27 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau Taming the Anger Volcano
2021/06/20 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 親親爹哋
2021/06/13 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau Rise Above the Valley of Disappointment
2021/06/06 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 持守信約
2021/06/06 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 見「焦」拆「焦」
2021/05/30 Cantonese Sunday School Janet Sun 忠心盡責
2021/05/30 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau And the Winner is…
2021/05/23 Cantonese Sunday School Anthony Chan 扶持嘅承諾
2021/05/23 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 怕‧唔怕
2021/05/16 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau God Has a Plan for My Life
2021/05/09 Cantonese Sunday School Rev. Alexis Yu 恩慈的說明 (撒下 9; 得2)
2021/05/09 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 媽媽的心
2021/05/02 Cantonese Sunday School Ken Che 遵行基督的命令
2021/05/02 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau Counterfeit Shelter (2): Romance, Love, Marriage & Sex
2021/04/25 Cantonese Sunday School Carolyn Lew 向他人顯恩慈 (太 10:40-42; 可 9:33-37)
2021/04/25 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 錢「徒」?
2021/04/18 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau New Heaven and New Earth
2021/04/11 Daly City Combined Worship Elder Peter Lo 上帝的恩慈 (詩 103)
2021/04/11 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 新・常態
2021/04/04 Cantonese Sunday School Elder David Ng 等候直到末了 (羅 8:18-27)
2021/04/04 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau Don’t Seek the Living Among the Dead
2021/03/28 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Second Tsang 忍耐與寬恕 (太 18:15-35)
2021/03/28 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu P「徒」
2021/03/21 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau From Worthless to Priceless
2021/03/14 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Peter Lo 「慢下來」的美德 (雅 1:19-27)
2021/03/14 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Lawrence Fung 神愛的福音
2021/03/07 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Peter Lo 堅忍的福氣 (雅 5:7-12)
2021/03/07 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau The Symphony of Life
2021/02/28 Cantonese Sunday School Carolyn Lew 福音中的喜樂 (腓 1:3-26)
2021/02/28 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 耶和華拉法-仁心仁術
2021/02/21 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Walter Lau Jehovah Nissi — Victory in the Lord
2021/02/14 Cantonese Sunday School Elder David Ng 軟弱中的喜樂 (林後 12:1-10)
2021/02/14 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Rev. Alexis Yu 耶和華沙龍: 主內平安
2021/02/07 Cantonese Sunday School Elder David Ng 試煉中的喜樂 (雅 1:2-12)