Chinese School fall semester will be held between 8/5 and 12/16. The school is now accepting registration
Chinese School fall semester will be held between 8/5 and 12/16. The school is now accepting registration
Chinese School fall semester will be held between 8/5 and 12/16. The school is now accepting registration
Chinese School fall semester starts on Saturday, 8/6/2016. The school is now accepting registration
Chinese School fall semester is between 1/7 amd 6/10. We are now still accepting registration
Chinese School spring semester starts on Saturday, 1/3/2015. The school is accepting registration
Chinese School will start to accept registration enrollment for Fall Semester. New school year will start August 9. Regular Tuition fee: $173; For 1st-9th grade, there is a one time $6 for new books and one time registration fee for new student is: $20 (registration fee will be waived for children/grandchildren of our Church members). Please come to Church office for inquiry and registration.