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Category: Missions

Roma Ministry

Western Europe In 1971, they finally stood up and demanded that the international community call them Roma. In their language, Roma means “human.“ The Roma are arguably the largest ethnic minorities in Europe. Roma originate in the Punjab region of India and some 15 million Roma around the world are now scattered among different countries. Today they are the largest ethnic group which spread around the world. There are 70 Roma communities, mostly from northern India.  Only 15% of them finish high school or pre-employment courses with less than 30% of the employed population, while about 45% of them have...

Fullness in Christ Fellowship (FiCF)

https://www.ficfellowship.org/ To minister to women so that the image of God can be restored in them, and that they may live out the abundant life as promised by Christ. The Three Main Ministries Women in Ministries (WIM): affirming women’s fullness in identity and mission, and demonstrated by regional fellowship of woman ministers in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Taiwan, as well as with the annual retreat ministry. This ministry started in 1998. Social Concern (PMC): abounding in holistic missions as a continuation of Jesus’ calling and ministry to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives...

Rudolf and Angela Mak

Rudolf & Angela Mak is the Director of Chinese Ministries for Frontier Ventures, he launched that as the major focus of his office a few years ago.Although Covid-19 has put a damper in this in the past year, yet there are silver linings around the cloud. Even before the pandemic hits, God has led Rudolf to pass his Perspectives responsibilities to indigenous committees. Several regional committees are now functioning to take care of the entire Perspectives work in the most significant key areas. There are several thanksgiving items. The first Perspectives class in Hong Kong was co-sponsored by 40 local...

Beth Bryson – Wycliffe Bible Translator

Wycliffe Bible Translators helps people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. Beth Bryson has been using her computational linguistic training at Wycliffe since 1999 In both the Shepherd and Mountain people groups there are fledgling churches.  Pray for protection for these young believers, that they would grow in their faith and persevere in a context of persecution. Recent gatherings included members of Wycliffe Bible Translators, The Seed Company, Pioneer Bible Translators, United Bible Societies, and others.  Praise for increased unity and cooperation among so many different agencies all working in Bible translation. Praise God for making...

灣區基督徒短期宣教訓練中心-范文堅 & 范梁惠玲夫婦傳道

源起及異象: 鑑於灣區華人並華人教會眾多,福音禾場廣大 ,2015年范文堅傳道夫婦找到佈道團的核心成員及顧問團,在2015年7月正式成立灣區短宣佈道團,並在每年7月底開始耶穌愛華埠本地短宣週,三藩市和屋崙兩地同時進行,兩年後 范梁傳道把完整的佈道訓練課程帶進灣區,協助灣區教會培訓信徒傳福音與栽培,2017年7月佈道團改名為三藩市灣區短宣中心,短宣中心 是幫助華人教會推動及培訓華人信徒承擔福音使命,拓展天國異象。灣區基督徒短期宣教訓練中心 代禱事項: 求主幫助范、梁傳道有從神而來的智慧,懂得在疫情下如何推動網上的福音工作。 請禱告記念短宣中心能夠在灣區各教會中,傳達福音異象,讓灣區教會同心合意在自己社區中前主作見證。


After prayer and discussion, the Lord has shown the Planning Committee that the STM should be postponed to 2022. You are all invited, however, to attend the monthly Cambodia Prayer Meeting where explicit prayer requests are lifted up to the Lord. Meetings are every first Thursday of the month, from 7:30-8:30pm. The next meeting will be on November 5, 2020. Please contact Isabel Ng (Isabel@joyoushope.com) or Susanna Sham (susanna@cpccsf.org) for details.