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Category: Events


For all who have just recently joined us and discovered our church on the online platform, we welcome you! We would like to get connected with you! If you are interested in having us connect with you, please fill out the online form, and one of our members will contact you soon. Online Form: https://tinyurl.com/CPCCWelcomeEnglish QR Code for the form

2022 URBANA CONFERENCE, 12/28-31

The Urbana Conference is back! Experience vibrant, multicultural worship, dynamic Bible teachings, and eye-opening testimonies from the global Church. Interact with missionsorganizations and experts to discern where your passions fit in God’s global work. Everyone’s invited. Students, faculty, pastors, parents, retired professionals — God is calling everyone to join his global mission. This year’s theme is “RISE UP” based on the book of Acts. Early bird discount deadline: June 30 (THIS WEEK) Location: Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN Minimum age: 16 years old by 12/28/22 Website: www.urbana.org/conference Contact: Susanna Sham (susanna@cpccsf.org) or Jennifer Young (jjta4evr@pacbell.net)


華人金巴崙長老會帝利市堂盼望栽培願意接受門徒訓練的弟兄姊姊, 幫助他們追求靈命成長, 成為合神心意的門徒, 活出合神心意的生命。聚會以小組形式, 實體/網上/電話進行, 每組成員 (組長除外) 1至3人。每月聚會最少1-2次,每次1-2小時,為期約1年, 時間由組長和組員協定。可自行選擇適合你的課程: 1) 合神心意的門徒, 或2) 合神心意的生命。誠意邀請你報名參加。截止報名日期 5/31日 請到以下連接登記: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwxfNd8yBusPxM5H4uF7DrD-xUkeKyzrqD-sV0NRSRkTNaww/viewform


The church will hold a two-day training  for brothers and sisters who are interested in learning to teach the Bible effectively and creatively (e.g. Adult Sunday School, Bible Study, Small Groups, etc.). The training will be held on two Saturdays, 4/9 & 4/23, from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon; and taught by our senior pastor, Rev. Walter Lau, in Cantonese. Topics include lesson planning, writing lesson aim, understanding the learning process, asking questions effectively, the art of lecturing, creative teaching…etc. This in-person training will be held at the Daly City Campus, and will be made available online; however, in-person participation...

Register for Children’s & Youth Programs

Register for SF 11:00 Children’s Program https://forms.gle/C9vBUNp7Cvd3FFDr5 Register for DC 9:30am K-5th Grades https://www.eventbrite.com/e/206879360737 Register for DC 9:30am Youth Program 6th-12th Grades https://210811451727.eventbrite.com Register for DC 11:30am K-5th Grades https://www.eventbrite.com/e/206870995717 (DC Only) Register Your Family for the Check-In System https://cpccdc.churchcenter.com/people/forms/311342