To minister to women so that the image of God can be restored in them, and that they may live out the abundant life as promised by Christ.
The Three Main Ministries
- Women in Ministries (WIM): affirming women’s fullness in identity and mission, and demonstrated by regional fellowship of woman ministers in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Taiwan, as well as with the annual retreat ministry. This ministry started in 1998.
- Social Concern (PMC): abounding in holistic missions as a continuation of Jesus’ calling and ministry to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and as demonstrated by our Pleroma Missions in Cambodia, with the focus of combating human trafficking.
- Pleroma Home for Girls was started in 2011 to create a safe haven for girls 6-17 years old who have been or are at high risk for becoming victims of sexual abuse or trafficking. The home provides holistic care through counseling, education, and vocational training to help the girls heal physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually. Since its creation, Pleroma Home for Girls has ministered more than 60 girls.
- Pleroma School for Girls began operations in October 2015 as a primary school in Phnom Penh to provide educational opportunity for girls from poor families with the goal of raising general literacy and educational levels to put an end to the vicious cycle of poverty and illiteracy. There were 200 students in 2020.
- Pleroma Home for Women started in 2018 to provide holistic services to women from 17 to 39. These could be girls over 17 from Pleroma Home for Girls who are not ready for reintegration. Others could be sexual exploitation and raped victims, and /or labor trafficked victims, some may have young children. There are also rescued or returning from forced marriages from China. Services will focus on holistic counseling and healing; also training on social and vocational skills. Served 88 women since started.
- Pleroma Community Center started in 2017 to provide tutorial classes for boys and girls in the community, children and youth fellowship, workshops on self-worth, hygiene and nutrition. Also workshops for parents of the students and those from the community of Pleroma school. Reached 100+ people.
- Spiritual Formation (SFM): aspiring to a transformed spiritual life in Christ, and as demonstrated by classed of spiritual disciplines and retreat ministries for both genders. This ministry started in 2018.