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Preacher Services
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Date Service Preacher Title
2021/07/11 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Michael Leung 控制舌頭 (雅 3:1-21)
2021/06/27 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Michael Leung 溫柔就是力量
2020/12/13 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Michael Leung 歌羅西書 4:2-4:18
2020/09/27 Cantonese Sunday School Elder Michael Leung 腓立比書 1:27-2:11
2020/03/22 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Elder Michael Leung 言語與智慧
2019/06/16 DC 9:30 Cantonese Worship Elder Michael Leung 父親的榮耀