Dr. Peter Chiu is the founder of Chinese Family For Christ, which is a Christian faith-based, nondenominational, nonprofit organization. Its mission is to work hand in hand with churches to strengthen and equip Chinese Christian families and through the family ministry, to promote fulfilling marriages as well as introducing the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-believing Chinese; so as to bring all families to the saving faith of Jesus Christ, and turn each family into an operational base for evangelism.
Prayer Requests:
- As a result of the pandemic, many family retreats and activities were cancelled and thus Dr. Peter Chiu had a short time to rest and recharge. Pray that God will strengthen and bless him both physically and spiritually, so that he will continue to serve after the pandemic.
- Since many of the retreats and workshops have been cancelled. This affected the offering income. Please pray that God will provide even more for the general fund and other financial needs.
- Pray for the preparation of the organization’s e-newsletter as well as the smooth emailing process of the letter to the subscribers. Also pray that not only more subscribers will find the content interesting, but that they will grow spiritually and their family lives will be blessed.